Monday, October 24, 2011

Confessions of a Paleo Mama

Remember the post where I said I loved Fall?? Well, I changed my mind! I have had the hardest time staying within Paleo these last few weeks. With the stress of Chris being gone, school, all the yummy fall treats and now Halloween chocolates filling up my pantry, it's been REALLY hard!

Over the Summer, Paleo was easy. We grilled meats almost every night, ate clean with all the fresh veggies and have done really good so far. To date I have lost:

2 inches off my waist
.75 inches off both arms
1.5 inches off R leg
1.0 inceses off L leg

So, I think I've done pretty good. But now, do I have the motivation to finish out my goal? I would like to loose another 10lbs + some inches by mid December. I know if I could stick to Paleo hardcore the way I did the first two weeks, then I could. But every single day, there is one slip up. Today for instance I drank a powerade. I have been super dehydrated the last few days and water hasn't been cutting it. So I went to grab a coconut water out of my fridge and "oh, lookie there"...they were all gone. I guess my husband drank the last one before he left and didn't notify me. Booo! So, insert powerade and insert guilt. Grrr...I know there is much worse I could have done, but seriously, every single day there is one little slip up like that lately. I really need to get back to being motivated!!

How do you stay movtivated/on track during the holidays??

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