Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just a are Blessed :)

It's amazing how the smallest of things in life will remind you that a) you are not alone and b) you are loved. I might be seeing a very good friend of mine this weekend, which makes my heart SOAR.
Background: For 2 1/2 years I worked for the Chaplain's Office in Baumholder, Germany. Amazing job. I didn't get along with my boss too well, but I respected him. The other Chaplain's that I worked with though, were AMAZING and I loved every moment that I spent with them. One, in particular, was like family to me. His name; Chaplain Hall. He was there when I needed an ear, never judged and offered up his home and family to me on many occasions. I was fortunite to befriend his wife. What an amazing woman. Being a Chaplain's wife is not an easy job. Long hours. Weird work schedules and your husband always has to be there for whoever needs him. Michelle, his wife, was a fantastic woman. Always there to help when needed. Stood in the background a lot of times and never asked for anything more then to love her husband, her family and the Church. Amazing! I wish I had an ounce of compassion, strength and Faith that this family had.
So this weekend, I may be lucky enough to see them. Like I said; HEART SOARING. July has not been kind to me. Some my fault. Some others faults. Either way, I am ready to start many new chapters in my life. I am ready to renew my faith, not only in my God, but in my family & friends. I think seeing this family this weekend could be what the doctor orders!
But, just in case you were wondering. This IS going to be a good life :)

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