Thursday, July 28, 2011

Faces of loss, Faces of Hope

A few years ago, I lost a baby. It was hard. And, to be honest, still kind of is. It's something you never loose sight of. No matter what, when you think about it, you have an instant sadness. An empty feeling. It's been 4.5 years since we lost our precious little Angel. I was just shy of 13 weeks when it happened. It was heartbreaking. We were just crossing over into the 'safe' zone. This pregnancy had gone like my previous one with Z. No morning sickness. No fatigue. Nothing. So I never suspected anything was out of sorts. I won't go into all the horrific details of my miscarriage, but it was a tramatic event in my life to say the least. I had medical issues that stemed from the m/c and it took a serious toll on my body as well as my mind. Thinking about it, still to this day, brings a bit of lonliness. I know that my sweet M would not be here today had I have had that baby, but you always have the 'what might have been' in the back of your head.
So, with that intro, I wanted to introduce you to Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope.

A non-profit organization that is bringing awareness to m/c, stillbirth and infant loss. All 3 of these life-changing events are still very taboo in today's society. After a brief time of grieving, people think that you should magically disappear it out of your life, mind and heart. Well guess what people?! It's not that easy! This is something that sticks with you for the rest of your life. Your child is gone. You have no explanation (in most cases). One minute you have life inside of you and the next minute you don't. No reason to why or how. It just 'is what it is'. And sometimes, that is not an acceptable answer! FOL, FOH is a place where women can vent. Where they can share their stories and make friends who have been through similar events in their life. Where they can share without being judged for holding 'too long'. Some of these stories are heartbreaking. Some are inspirational and some are just so moving that it makes you want to reach out and hug the mother who went through this horrible thing in life!

I am the Face. The face of miscarriage. It's a scar that I wear proudly. I am not alone. I am not defined by this but nor will I ever forget. Take a minute, take a look at the site and donate if you can! Thank you for reading.....

1 comment:

  1. Your story touched me so much. I have not personally gone through this and I cant even imagine the pain you felt and still feel. Your a brave women and my thoughts are with ya.
