Saturday, July 23, 2011

Here I go...falling off the blogging wagon...

So, my goal for at least the first month of blogging, was to do a blog every day, for 30 days. Well, I was never one with good goal training. ::sigh:: But, in my defense, I have been super busy! Here is a run-down of these last couple of days and what plans to happen this weekend :)

My daughter went to gymnastics camp this week. Every morning from 9am-1pm. Let me tell you, as much as I love having her out of the house for a few hours at a time, I love even more, the fact that she is in an amazing environment, learning new things and having fun! She was eager to go every day and didn't want to come home every afternoon. I just love our local gymastics gym. They have an amazing staff who loves kids and wants what is best for them! This is one of the many things I will miss about Dahlonega when we move. We have been so Blessed to meet some pretty amazing people here.

So back to the ordeal at hand. While she was gone, I was busy going through toys in the playroom, clothes in the closet and drawers around the house. My son, who is 2, could care less when I throw something away. My daughter on the other hand, FREAKS out. Actually, freaking out is an understatement. It's a whole 2 hour process to throw one toy away. It's quiet tramatic. So I've learned; throw away now, explain why it's missing later. It just works out better on both ends :) School here starts in a little over 2 weeks and I am already freaking out. My husband is leaving for a week in Germany 2 days before school starts. Grrr...great timing Army! So we will go from getting up whenever, to me getting up at 5:45, followed by waking her up by 6:30 to get her either a) on the bus by 7:10 or b) out the door for drop of by 7:30. Oyyy...this is going to be FUN.

Ok, so this week we also got to do something that we NEVER ever do. We went to the outlets here in Dawsonville. Together. All of us. Crazy! Hubby never has time off of work and so it usually involves me dragging the kids with me, kicking and screaming (they hate shopping). But this trip, went amazingly well. Got a beach ball sprinkler at pottery barn for $6.93!! WHAT?! YES! Yes, I did! They were marked as $12, so compared to the original price of $40, I thought, why not?! I was shocked when they rang up even cheaper! I almost grabbed more, but since we really have no yard, I only stuck with one. I also found Z some soccer cleats for $7.99 at the Nike outlet. YAY! Even cheaper then Wal-Mart. Score! But our big find of the day was the Adidas outlet running a buy one, get one 50% off deal on shoes! Even on sale shoes! So my darling husband, who was looking for trail shoes, got 2 pairs for $76! HUGE SCORE! To top the evening off, we ate at Moe's. All of us, for $11!! YAY! Moe's in Dawsonville gives 50% off military discount. Both my kids got a meal as well as my husband and myself! Cannot beat that for the end of an amazing shopping afternoon!
Here is a picture I snapped at the Adidas outlet. The kids thought playing with the mirror on the gound was fun :)

So yesterday, was a lazy day. Last day of Z's gymnastics camp, so M and I just hung out and did laundry. Nothing exciting. Daddy came home. Ate dinner. Played outside for a bit, then put the kids to bed. Nothing exciting. Hubby suprised me with his trip to Wal-Mart and rented 'Unknown' with Liam Neeson. I really like him. And the movie was pretty good. It was some nice deserved down time.

Today, ahhh today. This will be much busier then yesterday. We are up, barely fed and ready to go. Our plans for the day are Wal-Mart, 'water park' and a friends house for a BBQ/Going away party for some friends of ours :( I hate saying goodbye. Especially to some very nice people! But what can I do? It's part of my life. Saying hello to new people and saying goodbye when they leave. ::sigh::

Ohhh, I almost forgot the best part(s) of this week! Ok, so first off, I decided a theme for the kids birthday party!! I feel so behind this year! Last year about this time, I was already buying stuff in preperation. So...drumroll, please!.....

SOCK HOP!! My daughter is totally in love with this idea. I got all my inspiration here. <~~Amazing blog, by the way. I am totally in love with the parties she throws!
And my second victory for the week is that our battalion ball is going to be in December this year! YAY! We were worried that it would be in January like last year, when hubby is at RSLC. Since I have lost 13lbs already, I am setting another goal to loose at least 10 more before the ball, so I can buy a new ball dress. I usually re-cycle my ball dresses, but this year, I am aching for a new one. So excited! :)

I hope everyone has had a great week and continues to have a great weekend. I want to leave on somewhat of a somber note. Evil exists. This was shown to me yesterday in the horrific events that unfolded in Norway. A good FB friend of mine is from Norway and my heart breaks for her and the families involved in this unspeakable act. One man is responsible for 2 events that will forever change the way Norweigens live. Please take a moment out of your day to say a prayer for those involved. And for the family of the suspected shooter.

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