Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Restarting Paleo living

::sigh:: So I finally admitted defeat last night. I have fallen off the wagon! Booo! But, one thing I've learned in life is that you can always jump back on! I loved Paleo. I loved the way my body felt and of course, I loved the 13lbs I had lost. Luckily, I haven't fallen off to the point of no return. I have still managed to keep 11lbs off after 9weeks of strict Paleo and 2 weeks of so-so Paleo. So, starting Friday I am doing a 14 day challenge to get my butt back in gear!
The first 14 day challenge I did, I lost 13lbs and 7.5 inches from my body. This was with diet change and no workout. I wanted to give my body time to adjust to the diet change before I put it through hell with workout too.
Here is my question to you fabulous followers...what is your workout routine? Do you use a program? Just go to the gym? I need something new. I usually do P90x here and there, but have a hard time following it due to have 2 little ones at home with me. I'll get through 10 mintues of the workout and hear:
Z: Mommy, I need something to drink/eat....
M: Can you turn cartoons to something else?
Z: Mommy, what are we having for dinner??....
You get the drift. I am thinking of getting the Kinect for Xbox360. We had Wii fit for a while, but I never used it and ended up selling it to a neighbor.
Alright ladies, ready...set...go! Operation "Find Magi a new workout" is officially beginning! :)


  1. I did 90 days of p90x and loved it, but you are right is a time suck. I couldn't imagine being super mom and working out for 1.5hrs 6 days a week! Because I'm low on time right now, I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred and love it! It's 20 minutes of butt-kicking every day. 20 minutes seems like nothing, but you sweat like crazy! It really is a good workout - I'm sore all over, which is my tell-tale sign that it's a good thing. And the DVD is only $9 at Target. GOOD LUCK! and Congrats on the 11lbs!


  2. First of all, good for you for getting back on! It's been a rough couple weeks around here, too, because of going to dinner with friends and family so often. I like the idea of the 14-day-challenge, and I think that this is what Opha and I are trying to do, since he has 2 weeks to make weight for an SF contract at MEPS. For a workout, I start my day at the gym doing some running (usually about a mile to a mile-and-a-half on the elliptical or sprints around the track) and then work on weight/strength training. Muscle eats fat, so I'm really trying to build my muscles up. Good luck, sis! We can do this!!
