There are some Rules with this Award:
Rule 1: Thank the person who gave you the award. :) Plus Link back to them in your post.
Rule 2: Share 7 things about yourself...
1) I was born and raised in Ohio until I was 18.
2) My mother passed away before I was two and my grandmother took me in to raise me. She was 63 at the time. Could you imagine?
3) I have lost friendships in life that I will never be able to get back....
4) I love moving. Call me crazy!
5) Traveling and photography are my passions. I just wish I had more time to do both.
6) I am only 3 classes shy of my associates degree. Something I never thought I would ever see!
7) One of my favorite quotations is: "
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."-Albert Einstein
Rule 3: Pass the award on to 15 blogs (that were recently discovered to you- and contact them to let them know)
6) Heidi's Nest
12) How Does She?
13) Skip to my Lou
15) Leelou Blogs
Be sure to check out all these blogs!! They are just like all of us and deserve the award too!
You are very Welcome!!! Hapily following, Ashley!