Monday, September 12, 2011

They like me, they really like me! *in a highly dramatic voice* ;)

WOW! Thank you Ashley for thinking of me with this award! Ashley, from There's No Place Like Homemade featured me on her blog this morning. I couldn't be more thrilled. This blog has been slow to start, so every little helps! Thank you Ashley, from the bottom of my heart! :)

There are some Rules with this Award:

Rule 1: Thank the person who gave you the award. :) Plus Link back to them in your post.
Rule 2: Share 7 things about yourself...

1) I was born and raised in Ohio until I was 18.
2) My mother passed away before I was two and my grandmother took me in to raise me. She was 63 at the time. Could you imagine?
3) I have lost friendships in life that I will never be able to get back....
4) I love moving. Call me crazy!
5) Traveling and photography are my passions. I just wish I had more time to do both.
6) I am only 3 classes shy of my associates degree. Something I never thought I would ever see!
7) One of my favorite quotations is: "
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."-Albert Einstein
Rule 3: Pass the award on to 15 blogs (that were recently discovered  to you- and contact them to let them know)
Be sure to check out all these blogs!! They are just like all of us and deserve the award too!