Thursday, July 14, 2011

Baking = Therapy

Baking is was my therapy. After a long day, nothing would make me happier then putting the kids to bed and whipping out the mixer and a bag of flour. That was, until tonight. My husband knows how I feel about baking. He is more then happy to entertain the kids, or put them to bed if he sees I am in one of my baking modes. Today though, my poor hubby came home bruised and battered. A 12 mile road march being the culprit. He soaked in the bath, had a few beers, but the poor thing could barely move. So there I found myself. In the kitchen, mixing started and the sound of pitter pattering into the kitchen.

Z: "Mommy, I want to help"
Me: "That's ok baby. Go watch some cartoons and relax, it's almost time for bed"
M: "Mommy I want to help if Z is helping"
Me: "Z is not helping me. She is going to watch cartoons"
Z: "No I'm not. I'm helping Mommy and you're not allowed"
(insert Mommy pulling out hair and taking a lot of deep breathes) :)

Long story short, I couldn't get much done until they were in bed. Which was another story all together.
In the end, I made some pretty kick-ass cupcakes! PB&J cupcakes! They are AMAZING!


  1. I also bake to relax... love the late night baking (except not tooo late since my girl wakes up between 6 and 7am)

  2. I LOVE baking too! Cupcakes are my favorite thing to bake and I enjoy making cute ones with little designs on them. I am making cupcakes a babies 1st birthday party soon and I cant wait! Your PB&J cupcakes look so yummy!

    BTW... I found your blog through Crafty Sewing Mammas on Baby Center. my blog is here
