Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Let's get this started!

I am so excited {and inspired} tonight!
A {happy to say new} friend is joining Strend with me this session!! YAY! Misery loves company I always say! :)
It's going to be great. This girl is motivated and her motivation is getting me pumped up! Enough so that I want to blog about a few things Paleo tonight!
How to get your kids to enjoy Paleo
Everything I know so far. It's been almost a year. Cheese and sprinkles. Did I just say a year?!
Hard to believe that a 2 week diet turned into almost a year of living this lifestyle.
I won't lie. I haven't loved every minute of it.
But that is ok. It's done great things for me.
Here are my stats after 10 months of Paleo, 4 months of exercise and one round of Strend {crossfit style workouts}

Lost 22lbs {I have been fluxuating (did I spell that right?!) but try not to be too hard with the numbers}
Lost 6% body fat in 8 weeks. YAY!
Lost 4 inches on my {sexy~HA} body
Shaved 17 seconds off my 400m run
I can now do 29 pushups, 22 situps & 20 pullups (jumping) in 1 minute for each event.

Not too shabby considering a year ago, I couldn't have done any of this! The things I have learned this Strend session are priceless.
I learned it's ok to lift weights. It's not going to make you look bulky. My husband kind of likes the fact that I know what a proper deadlift is. It's his kind of sexy ;)
I learned that my weight will change. And change again. But as long as I am feeling like I am accomplishing my goals, I am good. And I am now ok with that.

My trainer has taught me a lot. I <3 her. She knows when to get angry at you and push you, but then she's also a good friend who is willing to listen and give her advice when you need it!
I feel Blessed to have discovered all of this about me here in Dahlonega. I know these are life/health lessons that I will carry on for the rest of my life!

ok, so here is what I know you are waiting for. The recipes! These are some of my favs. Easy to accomodate to your family. My kids are about 80% Paleo converted. We're working on the rest. They are kids. I still want them to enjoy certain things :)

Paleo Fajitas ~ We eat ours in the lettuce boats, but we let the kids have some cheese and tortillas :) I also like to make some lime shrimp too so we have a variety when it comes to leftovers :)

Paleo meatloaf ~ You can make these mini style. Don't add all the 'yucky' stuff the kids won't eat. Then in the end, add the rest of the ingredients. We always end up with 2 bland mini loafs and 2 yummy ones  for us :)

Paleo Spaghetti ~ Absolute favorite Paleo dish! We use the spaghetti squash or shredded zuchinni for our pasta. The kids get regular pasta thanks to Z's avoidance to spaghetti squash. One day she will learn all the yumminess that comes with spaghetti squash :)

Stuffed Pork Tenderloin ~ 'Nuff said. Yummy!

I will add some more later. The kids are demanding baths right now. Who needs to be clean when there is blogging to do?! ;)

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