Thursday, May 10, 2012

Some things about case you just HAD to know! ;)

1. How did you and your spouse meet?
Online. Weird, I know. My friend was in a chat room. Started talking to him. Next day he messages me (she was signed in under my name). I ignored him at first. Then started talking to him. Next night, we spent 6 hours on the phone. It's all history from there :)

2. How old were you when you two met?
I was 18 and he was just shy of 21.

3. How long have you been together?
9 years

4. Where are you and your spouse originally from?
I am from Ohio. Born and raised. He moved around a lot, but was living in TN when I met him.

5. How did you feel about him joining the military?
He was already in when I met him. I really was not sure what I was getting myself into marrying into the Army.

6. Where did your spouse go to Basic Training?
Ft. Benning

7. Has your spouse ever been deployed?
4 times. And still see at least one more in our future.

8. Ever been to his promotion ceremony?
Believe it or not, I haven't. He's been promoted 3 times since we've been married and he was either away at training, or deployed each time he was pinned.

9. How long have you been a military wife?
It'll be 9 years June 6th :)

10. Did you marry him before or after he joined?

11. How did your husband propose?
Depends on which time we're talking about.
#1- Over the phone. Before we had met. He asked. I told him he was crazy.
#2- In the car on the way back from the commissary. Random moment. One that we will cherish forever.
#3- When we renewed our vows in the church. The day before he got down on one knee and asked if I would be his wife in the eyes of God. Amazingly romantic, for me!

12. Where did you get married?
Fayetteville, NC courthouse

13. How old were you two when you got married?
I was 18 and he was 21.

14. Did he wear his uniform on his wedding day?
For our renewal ceremony he did. He was so handsome.
15. Where are you and your spouse currently stationed?
Dahlonega, GA

16. Do you live on base?
Technically. It's not actually on post, but military housing non-the-less.

17. How long were you married when you had to go through your first separation?
About a month. He had to go to the field. Then at month 2 of marriage he went to PLDC and then at month 3, he deployed to Iraq.

18. What is your favorite base so far?
Baumholder, Germany. Hands down. We liked Bragg a lot, but there is nothing like getting lost in a sleepy little German town. NOTHING.

19. Do you think your spouse looks good in his uniform?
Of course :)

20. Do you think military life is more advanced than civilian life?
I think the younger you start out as a military wife, the more about life you learn, and quicker. I was thrown into this at 18 and I've learned a lot about people, cultures and life in general. I've had the priveledge to have some amazing mentors

21. Do you like the benefits you receive as a military dependent?
We are very lucky to get what we get. It isn't always enough, but compared to the economy today, I am very grateful for what we have.

22. Do you have a lot of military wife friends?
I am very Blessed to have an amazing group of friends, current and past. I still chat with friends that I knew 9 years ago when I was just starting out. It's amazing the people you meet! :)

23. What is the hardest part of the military life?
I could go on and on about hardships. Sometimes, life in general, just isn't fair. Being apart from my husband so much is the biggest downfall. We didn't know what it was like to have an actual functioning marriage until we moved here and had some down time. Leaving friends is a big thing. I know leaving Dahlonega will be especially tough for us. We've made some amazing friends, civilian and military.

24. Do you own military wife stuff?
A few things, but nothing I tend to show off. It's kind of tacky to have all the 'I'm a wife' 'My husband is a soldier' and all that other jazz.

25. Do you support your spouse as a member of the military?
IF YOU’RE A MILITARY SPOUSE, TAG YOU’RE IT!!Any of my military bloggy friends.. you should do this!! Let me know if you do so I can come check it out :)

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