Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My New Life

These last couple of weeks have taken me for a ride. Let me start out by saying this.
I've learned a lot of things.
About myself.
My family.
And the rest of the general population....
I've lost friends.
I've gained new friends.

But all and all, the things that have happened to me over the last couple of weeks have really shown me what I need to focus on in my life. My family & MY God. These are the two things that will remain constant in my life. These are the things that are most important. Yeah, friends are great. I love hanging out with people. But for a long time, I thought that my self worth was defined by how many people I had around me at all times..!! I learned quickly that my self worth was about what I thought about myself. What my husband thought. What my kids thought. I had neglected them. For so long. It makes me sad thinking about it. My husband actually cried tears of joy when I quit hanging out with my normal crowd. He had felt left out of my life. How did I not see this? He expressed that he was so glad he was getting more time with me. That I was seeming to do more with the kids. It was like this whole time I was blind to the most important things in my life! What a revelation!

I hate the way things ended with a select few, but I think in the long run, it was the best thing for me! It made me open my eyes about peoples behaviors and routines. About what can make, or break, a friendship. And it most certainly opened my eyes to what people on the outside see looking in. I hope I never have an experience ever again like I've had here in Dahlonega. Of course, I probably never will because I will NEVER allow myself to get that close to anyone ever again. You live and you learn...and in the end, the ones who matter will still be there.

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