Friday, August 19, 2011



[yoo-fawr-ee-uh, -fohr-] Show IPA
noun Psychology .
a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.
Yup, that pretty much describes me today :) Just. plan. HAPPY. Period. The next few months are coming up fast, and for that I am SUPER excited! So many new adventures and things to accomplish. It's starting to slowly take effect that we have a little over 9 months left here. Crazyness! Although, I must say, I cannot wait! :)
So, back to my euphoric state. Today was perfect. Slept most of the night. M is still not feeling great, so he hacked away over half the night. Poor little guy. At least the fever has been away for 24 hours now. So we got up. Did the usual school morning routine. Got Z on the bus. Cleaned. Ran errands. Ate lunch. Cleaned some more. Put M down for nap. Aaaaaannnnnnndddd.....STOP! Nap time was cut short due to the mowers out side. {{Grrr....}} M had only been asleep for about an hour and I threw my hands up in the air thinking "PERFECT! Now he's going to be a cranky boy for the rest of the day". But to my suprise, the poor little guy was so out of it. He came down the stairs, crawled back inot my arms and fell asleep again. Awww...I love these moments. I just snuggled him for over an hour. I absolutely love moments like this. I am in love with LIFE because of moments like THIS! He ended up sleeping another hour and a half in my arms. You could just tell he didn't feel good again :(  I snapped this picture just before he woke up. I put the pillow on top of him to mimic the closeness of my self. It managed to get me another 15 minutes of him sleeping lol
So he woke up happy. Heck, I would wake up happy if someone let me get a 2 1/2 hour nap! :) So to finish it all off, we had snack and we step out the door to get Z off the bus and this is what I find on my door step....
::sigh:: is it that time already??! I've only been off since March. That is not long enough, right?? Wait, deep breath. You can do this! you only have 3, I mean 12 classes left. Yes folks, that's right. I am transferring into Kaplan after the first of the year to get my Bachelors. It was a hard decision, since i feel like I am never going to use my degree for it's full potential, but on paper, a Bachelors looks better than an associates. Hopefully if I push myself, and hard. I can knock it out in about 18 months. That is the new goal. The sometimes elusive goal. Puedo hacerlo!
So, to finish up my post, I must close with this: I am the most Blessed girl in the world. I have an amazing husband who would give me the moon if I asked him. A family that supports me beyond words. Amazing friends who have shown me my own strength, even when I thought I was not strong enough. My list could go on and on! Not even this freak rain shower we were 0% chance of getting today is going to kill my sunshine! Nope! God has Blessed me. I feel it. I love it! And I love all of you for being there for me. For reading my blog and for supporting me! THANK YOU!

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