Thursday, September 1, 2011

Whoa! Has it been a few days, or what??

Life seems to get hectic in a moments notice, doesn't it? I have sorely neglected my blog, Facebook and friends the last few days. It's been fun times here in the Carbone house, let me tell you! Hubby has been working the usual crazy schedule, Zola is officially a soccer player, gymnastics is in full swing, homework for Z, cleaning, volunteer work and my own school work. OYYY!

I don't really have time to blog too much about our events, but here is my sweet Z working so hard on her homework :)

This is the only picture I have right now. I managed to get my hands on an iPhone 4 on Wednesday, so I have to transfer all my pictures from my Blackberry to the iPhone :)

You probably won't hear too much from me from now until next week. I have 2 projects to finish tonight as well as the in-laws coming in tomorrow, followed by marriage retreat Saturday-Monday and then more homework due by Thursday. Crazyness!

I hope the rest of you are staying less hectic than I and enjoying what is left of the Summer :)
{Magi Mae}

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