Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh my, my!

It's official. I am horrible with blogging. I love to do it. I just do not have time! I sat down this afternoon with the best of intentions to write about this past week, then I realized I had an assignment due today and WHAM! 4 hours later, homework is finally done and it's time to get the kids out the door to gymnastics! I have come to the conclusion that life is never ending. Something is ALWAYS happening. Something ALWAYS needs to be done. But ya know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. It keeps me on my toes. Lately, I have had to be one step ahead of everything. I kind of like it.

I won't go crazy with all the details, but we had an amazing weekend. We attended the 5th RTB Marriage Retreat put on by my husband's unit. It was held at Stone Mountain, GA and we were treated to rooms at the Evergreen Resort. The unit soaked up most of the cost, which is nice. You could not get an 1/8 of what we got this weekend for the money we paid in.
The view from our room-so peaceful :)

We were lucky enough that my in-laws agreed to come watch the kids while we were away. They were welcomed to join in at the retreat (the unit set up AMAZING childcare for the seminars), but we decided we needed some time away. This is the first time we've done this in years. So it was well needed and VERY much appreciated.

Us on the top of Stone Mountain
We rode the skyview up to the top of the Stone Mountain and hung out up there for a bit. We ended up finding a location on the mountain and plopped down for a bit. We realized quickly that we ended up at the end of the trail to the top. Haha. It was fun people watching. Most were barely making it to the top. I think the term FML was used many times that day hehe. We believe we even saw a couple break it off because she was so ticked he made her walk this trail. It was quite commical! :)

The hubby, relaxing....

Being silly together = <3

Part of the view from Stone Mountain

The guys having a coronita at Joe's Crab Shack

It was a pretty amazing weekend. I love that we got the opportunity to do this. I could not be happier to be home though. My kids greeted me with open arms and huge smiles. I sure do love them! :)

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