Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dear Fall, I {heart} you :)

Let me just be the first to say/admit...I will be using a SERIOUS cheat day when I see this sign :)

I friggin love fall. Excuse my language. I get a little excited when talking about this subject ;)

It is impossible for me to choose one singular reason of why I love fall. Cooler air. The sun sets sooner. Hot cocoa nights snuggled with movies and family. Pumpkin Latte's from Starbucks (<~YUMMY!). The warm colors that come with. My kids birthdays. My birthday. So many reasons, so little time. I just love it. Love love love it! I could talk about it all day.

But now I'm sad, because I'm stuck in GA. Grrr...Still 90+ degrees during the day and only into the 70's at night. (Upper 60's if lucky) I long for Ohio in moments like these. The Randolf Fair is one reason. Some of my most fun childhood memories are from that moment in time.

Fall. I love it. Plain and simple :)

Neuschwanstein Castle Bavaria Germany - autumn
[one of my most favorite places in the world. Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria, Germany]

{Magi Mae}

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