Sunday, August 21, 2011


Ok, I'll admit it...I am sick :(

I hate being sick. And what I hate even more than being sick is being sick with one sick child and one well child. This always happens when Chris' schedule starts getting crazy. Last winter was torture. M and I were always sick. Z & the hubster was always well. It's a vicious cycle with me and M. He is my child through and through.

This picture pretty much sums up my mood today. Do I take medicine and become drowsy? Do I try to take a nap with 2 kids watching a movie? Do I suffer it out until bedtime when I can take something and crash? Will the kids let me take a nice hot shower or bath? Uggh...if he was just home today, it would make things so much easier. He spoils me. He would say 'Take your medicine and get your butt in bed. I'll handle the house" Ahhh I love that man! A-chhoooo!! Sorry, had to sneeze.. :)

Anyways, pretty lazy Sunday in the Carbone house. Hoping it rains so I have an excuse to be lazy and do nothing. I am hoping eventually to muster up some energy to finish my ump-teen pairs of unfinished PJ shorts laying on my dining room table as well as work on some homework. Classes start this week and I am trying to get a head start on some of my million pages of reading. This is a HORRIBLE time for me to be sick! :(

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