Sunday, August 7, 2011

Houston...we, what do we have again?

Ok, so the end of this week did not go exactly how I had planned. Chris ended up leaving almost 2 days early, which meant us taking a trip to Ft. Benning for 2 night to see him off. Not what we had planned, but it all worked out in the end. We ended up staying at 'our' hotel Thursday night and then got to spend a fantastic day with our little family on Friday and then the Eaton family graciously let us stay with them come Friday night just before Chris left off at midnight. It's only a week. It's only Germany. BUT we miss him so much already. When he's gone for longer than normal shifts, it's like a piece of our lives is missing.

Driving home from Benning was an entirely seperate adventure. Let's begin Saturday afternoon. We were invited to one of my dearest friends' daughter's birthday party. Hard to believe little Kaleigh is 10!! So we found our way across Ft. Benning as a thunderstorm seemed to be following us. I ignored it as most of the thunderstorms in Dahlonega seem to part like the red sea around us. Boy was I wrong. Half way through conversation at the birthday party...BOOOOOMMMM!!! Then the lights went out. Poor Kaleigh's party was officially relying on daylight. Thankfully her Mama is very prepared and lit a bunch of candles around the house. The party ended up being pretty fantastic :) It was a great time for me as I got to see 2 of my most amazing friends from Baumholder. I love the the military can take you so far apart and then bring you close together again. I miss those girls so much! So spending time with them is always a better party of my life :)
Ok, so I got a little off track. Back to the weather. It was horrible driving home. Most of it was bumper to bumper. Accident after accident after fender bender going through I-85. While we were sitting, I snapped this picture. This was with my wipers going high speed.

Pretty crazy. I am so thankful the kids slept through the majority of that driving!! We ended up making it home safe and sound only 55 minutes behind schedule. Oyyy. I hate when a 2 hour 45 minute drive ends up being a little over 4.

All and all, I am feeling Blessed for this weekend. Great friends, food and conversation. I love seeing old friends and being reminded why I am loved :)

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